September 19, 2010

Software Development Goes Viral - KDE Telepathy Sprint Goes (Almost) Real Time, Makes Progress

Yesterday we told you about the KDE Telepathy Initiative's goals to bring an up-to-date IM client to KDE. Today you can follow the team's progress via George Goldberg's 'Dents over on Based on the 'Dents so far, the progress being made is quite impressive. In the last notice sent as of this writing, George announces:

expect awesome QML-powered mockup with real contact data in it within a few hours :D
We're posting this for a few reasons - One, we already posted on this yesterday, and feel that KDE needs a good, modern messaging platform that is native to QT/KDE and has audio / video capabilities equal or superior to it's peers. Secondly, it's really cool to live in an age where things move and can be tracked in real-time. It really brings a sense of excitement to the table, and allows up to sort of cheer from afar and better appreciate their efforts. Thirdly, someone reading this may want to get involved in this or other great projects that could always use more help. Lastly, we want to do everything we can to highlight the important work people are doing within KDE to continue to evolve it into the the different premier workspace environments that it is striving to reach.

If you like this type of thing, and we hope you do, be sure to leave some comments below, and give a shout out to the team currently coding away over in the UK!

KDE Telapathy Coding Sprint
Telepathy KDE Sprint - Where's the "After the Beer and Pizza" Photo?
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